Today's News

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Only one holiday for Feb

By Ferliza C. Contratista

CEBU CITY, Feb 1 (PIA/CEBU) -- There is only one holiday for February.

February 25, a Monday is the only special holiday declared for this year 2013. A special holiday is observed by all schools declaring no classes in all levels.

According to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), February 25 is an ordinary work day and no premium is required to be paid for work on said day.

“On the other hand, employees in private schools, whether academic or administrative personnel, shall be paid in accordance with rules for pay on special non-working days as stated in Labor advisory no. 6., s 2012,” according to DOLE.

February 25 is also known as People Power Day, a commemoration of the 1986 EDSA Revolution which was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines that began in 1983 and culminated in 1986.

It was a nonviolent revolution which led to the ouster of former president Ferdinand Marcos and the restoration of the country's democracy.

People Power Revolution is also referred to as the Yellow Revolution due to the presence of yellow ribbons during the demonstrations following the assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr.

The event was widely seen as a victory of the people against the 20-year running authoritarian, repressive regime of Marcos and made news headlines as "the revolution that surprised the world." (mbcn/FCC/PIA-CEBU)